Laminated Safety Glass – Truly Safe and Reliable

You no longer have to worry about installing glass for the entrance of your store or anywhere else for that matter. With advancements in metallurgical technology, innovators have come up with a wonderful material called laminated glass. This high performance material is created by providing a thin plastic coating over glass. When the sheet sustains impact, plastic takes the load of it and keeps the glass safe. It is not without reason that this material is called a “safety” glass.

Although laminated safety glass provides great protection, it is not completely unbreakable. If force of the impact is heavy enough to penetrate the plastic protection, the glass does shatter. However, since it is coated with plastic, the glass shreds do not splatter out. The shards remain together.

Sometimes, the plastic laminate layer shatters as well. In such cases, it covers sharp edges and prevents them from causing physical damage to any person or thing. In order to enhance safety, laminated safety glass is made by joining two glass sheets. The double layer lends more protection and does not break easily. The plastic layer on the double glass makes protection stronger.

Owing to all these features, laminated safety glass finds uses in numerous places, from commercial enterprises and hospitals to homes and schools.

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