Easy repair methods for a wall mirror

One may not realize the regular usage of a mirror, but it is one of the most used home accessories on a daily basis. People tend to notice it only when it is damaged or needs to be renovated. A wall mirror helps you to picture yourself before stepping out. There are a number of ways that can damage the mirror. Few of them can be like a chipped or scratched glass or the spots on the silvering.

For getting rid of the silvering you can deploy some help from the silver mirroring kit available in the market. First clean the glass to remove the residues of silver. Then apply a firm coat of silver over it. After applying the silver layer seal it will copper layer. You must seal it by using a mirror backing paint that will protect the silver layer.

For repairing the chipped edges you must get them refinished. The loose pieces of glass must be scraped before you polish the edges. For sanding the edge use a wet diamond glass sanding pad and sand it until it is in a proper shape. The sand residues must be wiped off to reveal the polished edges.

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