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PRODUCTS - Glass Products
Safety and Security Glass
Tempered Safety Glas
Tempered safety glass is manufactured to withstand greater than normal forces on its surface. When it breaks, it shatters into
small pieces to reduce hazard. Standard on all doors and large fixed windows also is resistant to heat
so it can be used in front of fire places as protection. Perfect for patio furniture, Tempering allows
the use of thinner glass and therefore less heavy table tops for patio furniture and the structure
allows holes to be drilled for the umbrella without the risk of breakage. Tempered glass is used for safety in most public
places when glass because of the safe way it breaks. It s also use for security because of its strength.

Laminated Safety Glass
Laminated safety glass has two or more layers of glass of glass permanently bonded together with one or more inter-layers of vinyl.
The layers of plastic sheet adhere to the glass so that, if broken, it will remain in one piece.
This property of the laminated glass makes it perfect as a safety and security glass. Laminated
glass is used in all car windshields. It is widely use to make bullet proof glass as well as
in bank and jewelry stores windows and show cases. Once broken the glass Stays together and it
is very hard to penetrate.

Georgian Wired Glass
The more traditional types of safety glass are the Georgian wired glass.
Available in polished wire or cast wire they are used frequently in
balcony panels, hallway doors even as decorative glass for table tops
and cabinet doors when an industrial look is required. The cast wire
glass is obscured so it also can provide privacy as well as safety
where is needed.